Friday, May 18, 2007

You Are Precious

As a teacher teaches best by sparking curiosity, so a friend encourages best by kindling self-worth.

Recently a dear friend was talking with me about her struggle to realize her own worth.

"The other day," she said, "I was so frustrated with my slow progress, wondering if I would ever rally learn to be kind to myself. Then I thought of you and another friend who have affirmed me for so many years, believing in me even when I didn't honor my own opinions and feelings, and making me feel special when I didn't place much value on myself. And I suddenly understood something that's helping me be more patient with myself.

"I realized that you've loved me a lot longer then I've loved myself, so you're better at it! I know where that kind of love comes from. And I know that in time, I'll get better at it too."

WHat a privilege God has given us to love one another! When the apostle Paul instructed us to observe whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy (Philippians 4:8), he handed us a delightful set of tools to carve self-wroth into the lives of others. And we see and affirm these positive qualities in our friends, our friends begin to see the source of all that is true and excellent and praiseworthy. And soon they begin praising their lovely Creator by becoming all he meant for them to be.

By Susan Lenzkes, taken from "Women's Devotional Bible 2"

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