Monday, November 05, 2007

Love Teaches

"He decreed statutes for Jacob and established the law in Israel, which he commanded our forefathers to teach their children." Psalm 78:5

One of the most essential ingredients of education is the parents' attitude and example regarding basic curiosity and a desire to learn.

It is not so much the didactic or "book" learning that is important to parent-child relationships, however. It is, instead, educating children about life - and death; about themselves - and others; about their world - and how they fit into it. The love of learning and the curiosity that will only be satisfied through finding out about something - that is a parent's means of prompting a child to become wise and to respect and appreciate the teacher.

My parents encouraged my love for learning (and for them) by their examples. The dad who took time out during a busy day to show a little girl a baby chick being hatched, a brand-new baby colt on its first wobbly walk, or a littler of pink squealing piglets did not know the impact those simple sights would have on her life! He was teaching her about creation, the Creator and her own place in God's scheme of things.

Through my parents' reading, I learned to love books; through their philosophy. I learned to think; through their humor, I learned to laugh; through their discipline, I learned obedience, respect and self-control. It was through their faith that my own was born.

By Grace H. Ketterman, taken from "Women's Devotional Bible 2"

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