Monday, March 30, 2009

Springs of Water

"And the Lord will continually guide you, and satisfy your desire in scorched places, and give strength to your bones; and you will be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water whose waters do not fail." Isaiah 58:11

A father and his son were camped in a wooded area a little ways from the nearest village. The father had a letter which needed mailing and asked his don to take it to the post office in the village. The father took his son to the edge of camp and showed him the trail which led to the village. "But Father," said the little boy, "I don't see how that path will ever reach town," The father took his hand in his and pointed explaining, "See down the trail to that big tree where the trail seems to come to an end?" "Oh, yes, sir, I see that the path goes that far; but the village is not there!" "Well, when you get to that big tree, you will see further on around the bend and down the trail. Just go to the tree and then follow the trail until you come to the next corner, then look ahead and follow it some more until you see some houses. When you come to the houses, you will see the post office. There you can mail my letter!"

I know not when or where I go from this familiar scene;
But He is here and He is there, and all the way between.
And when I pass from all I know, to that dim, vast unknown,
Though late I stay or soon I go, I shall not go alone. - selected.

The love of God quite as often withholds the view of the entire distance of the winding path through life. He reveals it to us step by step and from corner to corner. Hence it is necessary to trust Him to lead, for He can see around the bend in the road. He knows what lies ahead, an whether we can cope with the situation now or later. He consults our wants, not our wishes, like a wise and loving Father. He corners are not the end of the way. Corners discipline faith, teach us patience to walk step by step, and fit us for blessing. Because our vision is limited, it causes us to continually seek HIs guidance.

By Mrs. Charles Cowman, taken from "Springs in the Valley"

Bible Reading Guide:

Beginning to End: I Samuel 13-14
Old and New Testaments Together: Judges 9-10 & Luke 5:17-39
Historical: I Samuel 15-17
Chronological: Judges 1-2
Blended: Poverbs 19-21 & Hebrews 1

The Bible reading guides will be taken from Back to the Bible

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