Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Being exposed to the Light

"He then having received the sop when immediately out: and it was night." John 13:30

Judas had been exposed to the heart of God. He had lived and talked and eaten with Jesus. He had watched Him heal. He had never seen Him lose His patience. He knew His compassion had no end. Judas had experienced the love of the One he was about to betray with a mocking symbol of "love."

Judas had been exposed to the Lord's love. He had been affected by it as is anyone who is ever exposed to it. He would not have killed himself for what he did, if he had been utterly untouched by the love of Christ. And since Judas had been exposed to His love, he had also been exposed to His light. Because Jesus is "the light of the world."

I shudder when I attempt to imagine the violent turmoil in the heart of Judas as those gentle fingers handed him the bite of bread at their last supper. Even in letting him know He knew the evil intention of Judas' heart, the Lord handed him something to eat. He didn't point His finger at Judas. He gave him bread. Not knowing what else to do, Judas apparently ate the little piece of bread. and the, driven by the fury of fear and guilt and evil which raged within him, he ran from the room.

"And it was night."

It was dark out there without Jesus. It is always darker to those who consciously betray Him; who have been touched by His love and who have seen by His light. We are more aware of the darkness once we have known light. Turn off a bright light and you see nothing. The contrast is so great and the darkness so sudden, panic can come. But the Heart of love will follow you and He, HImself, will be waiting for you to "return." It is night out there away from Jesus.

. . . Return unto me, for I have redeemed thee . . . I am the light of the world . . .

By Eugeina Price, taken from "Share My Pleasant Stones"

Bible Reading Guide:

Beginning to End: 2 Samuel 13-15
Old and New Testaments Together: 1 Samuel 10-12 & Luke 9:37-62
Historical: 2 Samuel 14-15
Chronological: 1 Samuel 1-3
Blended: Lev. 11-12 & Hebrews 10:1-18

The Bible reading guides will be taken from Back to the Bible

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