Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Lord Saves

"Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save . . . " Isaiah 59:1

In every other religion but Christianity, man is seeking God. Man is trying to earn his salvation. Trying to achieve his oneness with God as he understands Him. We have God's own word for it that we cannot earn our salvation, that we are saved by faith. We also have God's own word for it that His hand is not shortened. That He is the Savior.

Some weeks after my book "Discoveries" was published, a young college professor, who had grown dissatisfied with the cold orthodoxy upon which he had been fed, wrote asking a question which I shall never forget: "What is the important thing to believe?"

I made an appointment to meet him in a city near the college town where he taught, but in the interim I asked one after another of God's older saints whom I met along the way - "What is the important thing?" I received some penetrating answers. And then I received the one I knew was the answer: "The important thing to believe is that Jesus saves!"

No-one else. Only Jesus.

" . . . Thou shalt call His name Jesus: for He shall save His people from their sins."

The important thing is that we can begin with the One who Himself is our salvation. "Thou shalt call His name Jesus . . . " and this same Jesus who saves is not only the Saviour, He is also the Light which points out our sins.

There is no question but that His arm will reach all the way to where we are. There is no question about His power to save. There is no question bout the penetrating power of His light. The only question is will we open our eyes and look?

. . . It is I; be not afraid.

By Eugenia Price, taken from "Share My Pleasant Stones"

Bible Reading Guide:

Beginning to End: 2 Kings 4-5
Old and New Testaments Together: 2 Samuel 14-15 & Luke 17:1-19
Historical: 2 Kings 5-8
Chronological: Psalm 6, 8-10, 14, 16, 19, & 21
Blended: Daniel 11-12 & Revelation 9

The Bible reading guides will be taken from Back to the Bible

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