Thursday, October 19, 2006

The Wind

"For he spoke and stirred up a tempest and lifted high the waves." Psalm 107:25

Stormy wind fulfilling His word. By the time the wind blows upon us it is His wind for us. We have nothing to do with what first of all stirred up that wind. It could not ruffle a leaf on the smallest tree in the forest had He not opened the way for it to blow through the fields of air. He commandeth even the winds, and they obey Him. The the winds as to His servants He saith to one, "Go," and it goeth; and to another, "Come," and it cometh; and to another, "Do this," and it doeth it. So, whatever wind blows on us it is His wind for us, His wind fulfilling His word.

God's winds do effectual work. They shake loose from us the things that can be shaken, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain, those eternal things which belong to the Kingdom which cannot be moved. They have their part to play in stripping us and strengthening us so that we may be the more ready for the uses of Eternal Love, Then can we refuse to welcome them?

Art thou indeed willing for any wind at any time? - Gold by Moonlight

Be like the pine on the hill-top,
Alone in the wind for God.

There is a curious comfort in remembering that the Father depends upon HIs child not to give way. It is inspiring to be trusted with a hard thing. You never asked for summer breezes to blow upon your tree. It is enough that you are not alone upon the hill.

"And let the storm that does Thy work
Deal with me as it may"

By Mrs. Charles E Cowman taken from "Springs in the Valley"

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