Friday, January 11, 2008

The New Year

"Forgetting the past . . . I press onward." Phil. 3:13-14

One of god's glorious gifts to mankind is to bestow upon him the dawn of a new year. New opportunities and challenges are before him. A chance to try again, to make another endeavor to successfully accomplish the ambitions which were perhaps cast aside with discouragement in the year past. Life is full of beginnings. As one stands at the gate and with doubtful hand draws aside the curtain and peers into the unknown, he begins today by taking his first step across the threshold of the new year. It is already a beautiful year because it is another year of Our Lord.

Gazing at the far horizons and half wondering what the coming months will bring, pause but a moment to reflect over the old volume of three hundred and sixty-five days just ended. The pages may have been marred by mistakes and torn by intentions, but a few more miles have been covered on the upward climb, pressing toward the mark.

Through many dangers, toils and snares
We have already come,
'Twas grace that brought us safe thus far,
And grace will lead us Home.

It has not been our own achievement. Great has been our Father's faithfulness; new every morning have been His mercies. He faileth never!

It is part of our nature to want to live in the yesterdays of life, in "the days that come not back again." We would rather relive the strifes, the bad habits, the heartaches, and stumbling steps than to face the uncertain. With tenacity the past does cling, and like barnacles, would hinder us from pushing out from the shore and launching into the deep.

Old Past, let go, and drop in the sea!
Till fathomless waters cover thee;
For I am living, but thou art dead;
Thou drawest back, I strive ahead
The Day to find.
Thy shells unbind! Night comes behind,
I needs must hurry with the wind
And trim me best for sailing.

Standing at the parting of the ways, there is a choice to make, some road to take, we much consider which. How is it that we intend to live? Will it be repetitious of the past?

"I do not see my way: I do not care to; but I know that He sees His way, and that I see Him." Shining destinies are ahead! We must keep our eyes upon Jesus as we now face the Dawn.

By Mrs. Charles E. Cowman, taken from "Streams in the Desert Volume 2"

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