Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Favor in God's Eyes

"This is the account of Noah, Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked with God." Genesis 6:9

Noah lived in the midst of a wicket people. Yet he was an example of one who could live a godly life in an evil world; a life pleasing to God in his everyday environment. "But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord." (Genesis 6:8). His favor with the Lord was through no merit of his own but through his personal faith in God.

God could see that Noah's life was upright, He was "blameless among the people of his time". God recognized Noah as a perfect man, not perfect in character but in a life revealing a genuineness of faith in God.

We also read that "Noah walked with God". In the midst of wickedness, he was able to keep close fellowship with God. It is not the environment but the heart that determines one's walk with the Lord.

Noah was not as concerned with pleasing people as he was with pleasing God. "But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord."

We may question ourselves, "Do I find favor in the eyes of the Lord?" Remembering our weaknesses and failures we realize we have no merit by which god can accept us. But God knows all about us and has provided a way by which we can be accepted by him. We find grace in God's sight through our relationship with Jesus Christ. God sees us perfect in Him.

We may find ourselves in a place not conducive to Christian living, just as Noah did. Even there, God gives us grace to live victoriously. "He gives us more grace." (James 4:6).

Ponder the words, "Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord." In the eyes of the Lord, is my life pleasing to Him today? Do I find favor in His sight?

By Millie Stamm, taken from "Women's Devotional Bible 1"

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