Friday, June 20, 2008

Filling myself up with Junk!

I came across verse Psalm 106:20, "Thus they (the Israelites) exchanged their glory for the image of an ox that eats grass." Lately I've been thinking about what I allow into my life. I really think that over the past few months I let myself get caught up in watching things I shouldn't have - my Trash TV. Or, allowed myself to read books that weren't glorifying to the Lord. In my heart I felt that it was wrong but I ignored it. I let the trash take over and develop into spiritual cancer. In essence I exchanged my glory for an image. The image might not be of an actual idol but I see other things to be idols as well. TV, books, material possessions, money and so forth.

And what has filling myself up with junk gotten me? NOTHING! Jeremiah 2:11b says, "But my people have changed their glory for that which does not profit." It not only has gotten me nothing but those around me did not profit from what the Lord could have done through me. I pray that the Lord will continue to convict me of the things I shouldn't be doing that fill me up with junk. And that I will be sensitive to those spiritual tugs instead of ignore them. I am so thankful that I am Loved by a Father that forgives like he forgave the Israelites. We still suffer the consequences of our actions but we are none-the-less forgiven.

Krista Jones

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