Friday, June 06, 2008

Give Yourself

"Do not withhold good from those who deserve it, when it is in your power to act." Psalm 3:27

"I just want you to know that your child was delightful in the nursery this morning." "You have a wonderful way with people, and I admire that." "Your house is so warm and welcoming." "you told that guy the truth on that deal, and I respect you for it."

Wouldn't it be great to hear things like that all the time? How many times do you think about saying something encouraging or uplifting to someone else, but you just don't feel comfortable? It's a risk; what if they think you're just trying to butter them up? You could come off sounding insincere. So you keep it to yourself instead, and the encouraging word never gets said. Oh, maybe you think about it later and have every good intention of writing a note, but you never get it written. time goes by and you're lost that moment forever.

It's not just words, of course. There are times when you might see a situation that could use something - time, money, skills - that you possess and could share. It might be as simple as offering to drive an elderly neighbor to the store or washing a friend's car when they're too busy to take care of it. Or it might be a case where you have extra money and know of someone who's struggling financially. What a joy to send an anonymous gift!

Think of the times that someone has given you something right when you needed it - an encouraging note or phone call, a helping hand with a project or a few bucks when you were strapped for cash. It meant a lot to you, didn't it? Don't miss the opportunity to give to someone else.

By Bernie Sheahan, taken from "Women's Devotional Bible 2"

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