Monday, July 27, 2009

Firmly Planted Trees

Two verses stuck out at me this morning.

"But now, O Lord, You are our Father, We are the clay, and You our potter; and all of us are the work of Your hand." Isaiah 64:8

"They (God's chosen people) will not build and another inhabit, they will not plant and another eat; For as the lifetime of a tree, so will be the days of My people, and My chosen ones will wear out the work of their hands." Isaiah 65:22

I know the last one is a little odd but what I was drawn to was the lifetime of a tree. Many trees do live for more years then I can even imagine. They must have a great root system that keeps it grounded, well feed by water and sun. What God seems to be speaking to me about this week is to diligently seek Him and Him alone. I need to be like "a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields it's fruit in its season and its leaf does not wither; and in whatever he does, he prospers." (Ps. 1:3).

And when I am firmly planted by the stream of Living Water I will be like "The righteous man (who) will flourish like the palm tree, he will grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Planted in the house of the Lord. They will flourish in the courts of our God." (Ps. 92:12-13)

Lebanon Cedar is an evergreen coniferous tree. It grows up to 130 ft tall and has a trunk that is 8 ft 2 in in diameter. It is a rather sturdy wonderfully growing tree. It has also been important to different civilizations. Some used it for building military ships, houses and temples. The Egyptians used it's resin for mummification. Moses used it's bark for circumcision and treatment of leprosy. It was used as a metaphor for the pride of the world by Isaiah. Kings from all over requested the wood for religious and civil constructs as in the case of King Solomon's temple.

So I see here that I need to be like the great Lebanon Cedar. In order to grow big and tall I need to have a strong root system that not only goes deep but wide so that when difficulty arises I will not fall. I need to be planted by streams of water and feed myself regularly from the Word. And when I do so, I will flourish and when I flourish I can be used in many ways just like the Lebanon Cedar has been used throughout the centuries. That's when I become like clay and my Potter can mold and use me in any way He sees fit.

And when this happens God will, "With a long life I will satisfy him and let him see My salvation." Psalm 91:16

Krista Jones

Bible Reading Guide:

Beginning to End: Song of Solomon
Old and New Testaments Together: Psalm 43-45 & Acts 27:27-44
Historical: Proverbs 4-6
Chronological: Isaiah 44-48
Blended: Psalm 43-45 & Acts 19:1-20

The Bible reading guides will be taken from Back to the Bible

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