Friday, September 22, 2006


"For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost." Luke 19:10

Have you ever been lost? I have. It happened when I was 7 years old. That was the year we moved and I had to go to Summer school because I had missed a few weeks of school. While my parents finished working on our new home I would be going to school. They would pick me up where the bus dropped me off down the street from our new home. It seemed like a simple plan.

On the first day of school I somehow got on the wrong bus going home. As the bus trip wound down to the last stop I ended up being the last kid on it. We were sitting at the last drop off wondering where I lived and I couldn't tell the bus driver because I didn't recognize the area. He ended up taking me to the bus station and eventually contacting my parents. My poor parents were frantic. I can only imagine how frightened they were not knowing where I was and not being familiar with the area. As it turned out the last bus stop was close to my new house but I didn't know it. I was lost but so close to home that I really didn't have to be lost if I had only known my way home.

Do you realize that we are all close to home? God has a wonderful home waiting for us and it's so close that it's only a prayer away. A prayer and accepting Him into your life away! He doesn't want you to be lost and is seeking you out like my parents were seeking me out. All you have to do is talk to Him. He will help you find your way. I urge you to realize how much He loves you. He made you to know Him. Yes, you have a special place in your heart that only He can fill. It's the place in your heart that you seek to fill but may not know you're seeking to fill it with God.

Jesus died on a cross for me and YOU. He was crucified so that we would be free. I like what Max Lucado says about the crucifixion in his book, "No Wonder They Call Him the Savior": "every witness either step toward it or away from it. It simultaneously compelled or repelled. And today, two thousand years later, the same is true. It's the watershed. It's the Continental Divide. It's Normandy. And you are either on one side or the other. A choice is demanded. We can do what we want with the cross. We can examine it's history. We can study it's theology. We can reflect upon its prophecies. Yet the one thing we can't do is walk away in neutral. No fence sitting is permitted." (Pg. 62-63). You have a choice and no one can force you to believe. But I pray that you at least give Jesus the chance. Don't look at me because I've already failed many people. Don't look at the church who failed you in some way or the family member who hurt you while claiming to be a Christian. Take a look at Jesus, His life and what He did for you. Take a look at the Bible in the book of John and see for yourself. Then decide what side of the fence you're going to be on.

Krista Jones

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