Monday, September 18, 2006

Made in the Shade

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up... (1 Thessalonians 5:11).

As we begin to understand who we are in God's eyes, to truly see ourselves the way God sees us, he gives us the awesome responsibility of giving that same SIGHT to others. The Bible tells us that we should build up the self-esteem of others, so that they too can see themselves in the light of God's love for them. And putting on the right "shades" is the key to really seeing both ourselves and others from God's perspective. With spiritually-filtered lenses on our minds and hearts, God gives us special S-I-G-H-T to be able to build others up in Christ.

S-upport the Uniqueness of Others: Instead of trying to remake others into your mold, encourage their unique personalities, skills, and talents. (1 Corinthians 13:5, NLT)

I-nspire Others with Responsibility: When you trust others with responsibility, it will put wind in their sails and give them confidence to accomplish even greater things. (John 20:21)

G-ive Correction and Criticism Carefully: "Carefully" is the keyword. The purpose of correcting someone is for their growth, so criticism should be given in love, to help and not hurt them. (Ephesians 4:29)

H-ear the Messages of Others: Listening, really listening, to someone can be one of the biggest boosters to their self-esteem. Your eye-contact and interest in what they have to say communicates love and respect. (James 1:19)

T-ouch their Hearts: When you give integrity-laden, meaningful touch to the significant others in your life, you are communicating just how significant they really are.

Ed Young Ministries

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