Friday, November 03, 2006

Out in the Sea

"Thy way is in the sea, and thy path in the great waters." Psalm 77:19

God's path is in the sea - just where you would not expect it to be! So when He leads us out by unexpected ways, off the strong solid land, out upon the changing sea, then we may expect to see His ways. We are with One who finds a path as He goes. That is better than having a path already traced out, for it makes us perfectly independent of circumstances.

There is an infinite variety in the paths God makes, and He can make them anywhere! Think you not that He, who made the spider able to drop anywhere and to spin its own path as it goes, is not able to spin a path for you through every blank, or perplexity, or depression? God is never lost among our mysteries. He sees the road, "the end from the beginning."

Mystery and uncertainty are only to prepare us for deeper discipline. Had we no stormy sea we should remain weaklings to the end of our days. God takes us out into the deeps; but He knows the track! He knows the heaven! and we shall arrive.

"And with Jesus Through the trackless deep move on!" - Rev. C.A. Fox

O fathomless abyss of God's rich bounty, of His wisdom, of His knowledge! Who can explore His decisions? Who can track out his paths? - Romans 11:33

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