Monday, December 17, 2007

"He is our peace."

"For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed, saith the Lord that hath mercy on thee." (Isaiah 54:10)

This tells me that anything can happen and the Lord will not only remain with us, but He will remain kind. We tend to think of the "mountains" and the "hills" as perhaps trouble from outside ourselves. But to me, at least, my world has never shaken more violently than under the impact of my own willful disobedience to Jesus Christ. After I have disobeyed Him, my grief is intense. My remorse and shame could destroy me, and the devil could have the time of his evil life feeding my black discouragement if I weren't absolutely sure that the Lord's kindness would not depart from me.

Actually His kindness leads me to repentance.

And even as I cry out for forgiveness, deep at the center is the assurance, not only that peace will return, but that it has never really departed from me. I have merely lost my awareness of it. It is His peace which He left me and it is a part of Himself. He has said He will never leave me nor forsake me and so, of course, His peace will not leave either. It cannot. "He is our peace." The covenant of His peace shall not be removed, because the Lord "hath mercy on thee." He knows that without Him we are bereft. "His mercy endureth forever."

. . . Without me, ye can do nothing. (But) . . . Lo, I am with you alway.

By Eugenia Price, taken from "Share My Pleasant Stones"

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