Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Simple Life?

"For ye shall not go out with haste, nor go by flight: for the Lord will go before you; and the God of Isreal will be your reward. (Isaiah 52:12)

Here are many things which are easily missed without careful seeing into the very depths of this deep "blue stone" verse. Many things which increase our faith. Which cause us to be willing to enter into the very rhythm of God's life.

And once we have entered into this oneness with Him, we begin to see how simple life becomes. Not easy, but simple. It is only when we stumble back into our own rhythm that we begin to grab wildly for "more faith." Faith is being one with god. Then we know about Him. Then whatever He does is all right.

"For ye shall not go out with haste, nor by flight . . ." How is this possible? What keeps us from running ahead of God? What prevents our "going out by flight"? What causes us not to try to escape? The answer to all of these questions is simply that God has already gone before us. "The Lord will go before thee."

He knows what's up ahead. He's been there. And if we are obedient and with Him in fellowship each step of the way, it is more ridiculous to think that we would run ahead than to think we would not. He knows. He knows about the causes of our thinking we need to escape. He knows about the enemies of our soul's peace. >We have no need to escape. No need to try any way other than the way of just being with Christ. He Himself "will be your reward." No need to flee to the edge of the world for peace or protection..

. . . Your life is hid with Christ in God.

By Eugenia Price, taken from "Share My Pleasant Stones"

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