Thursday, February 14, 2008

Amazing Act of Obedience

I have read the story about God calling Abraham to sacrifice his only son several times. Yet, this last time I read it something new jumped out at me.

In Genesis 22 God called Abraham to sacrifice his only son, Isaac. Being a parent I've always identified with what Abraham was going through. How can he be so willing to sacrifice his only son? Would I be as willing to do the sam with my children? And yet, being the man of faith Abraham was, he obeyed God knowing that God would provide the sacrifice.

This time, I was impacted by Isaac's obedience. We know that this time that he was not a young child but a young man. In Genesis 22:7 He brings up the question I would have been hounding my father about and asked as to where the sacrifice was. Abraham reassured him, "God Himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son." (Gen. 22:8) and continued onward in his preparations. If I placed myself in Isaac's shoes, would I have gone as far as allowing myself to be bound and laid upon the alter? And yet, he was obedient to his father as well as to the God he served. Just like Christ was obedient to death. "Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: Who, being in the very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made Himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man He humbled Himself and became obedient to death - even death on a cross!" Phil. 2:5-8

In the end, we know that God stopped Abraham from sacrificing his son and provided a ram instead. But I'm still struck by Isaac's obedience as I'm pretty sure I would have gone to the alter kicking and screaming making the whole situation more difficult then it could have been. I've been fighting authority not wanting to obey because I think there's a better way. All the time not learning what the Lord has been trying to teach me. I yearn to be like Isaac and keep on the path God has called me too and not fight the whole way. Sometimes I feel like I just don't get it. That it's taking forever for me to figure it out. I know that learning takes time. F.B. Meyer says, "The life of fellowship with God cannot be built up in a day. It begins with the habitual reference of all to Him, hour by hour. It then moves on to more and longer periods of communion; and it finds its consummation and bliss in days and nights of intercession and waiting."

Onward I press on towards the goal, learning to communion daily with my Savior so that my heart beats with the beat of His heart. And thus knowing the blessing of full obedience to the One I serve.

Krista Jones

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