Tuesday, February 05, 2008

How long do you have to wait?

How long do we have to wait for the Lord to show us His plans for our lives? Or how long do we have to endure hardships and trials?

As I continue to read through the Bible I have come across the story of Joseph. Joseph was someone who endured many ups and downs. And through it all I am deeply impressed with how patient he was. He was disliked by his brothers who eventually sold him. He was bought as a slave but given a high position in the home where he served. Yet, that good living didn't last long as he was imprisoned because his master's wife lusted after him. While in prison he was again lifted to a high position but it's not to say it was a position of luxury.

I'm thinking, can this guy ever get a break? What is God doing to him? And yet, as the story continues we see that God was in control the whole time. His plans for Joseph to save the Israelites was in place. Had his brother's not sold him or his master's wife not lusted after him, he would not have meet the chief cup bearer in prison. Had the chief cup bearer not made Pharaoh angry he wouldn't have been placed into a position to meet Joseph. Had he not been restored to his position he would not have suggested to Pharaoh to ask Joseph to interpret his dreams. In which case, the dreams were interpreted, Joseph was placed in charge of the famine situation (which was the highest position anyone could have outside of being Pharaoh himself), food was stored and people were able to survive. And who should be needing food but Joseph's family (the Israelites).

It took years for God's plan to unfold and Joseph remained steady. I wrote in the margin of my Bible next to his story, "Trusting God can transform a trail into a treasure." The Bible says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6. Joseph trusted God with all his heart as he went through one trial after another.

If you are going through a trial I encourage you to stay the course. Hold on to the hope and remain faithful to the Lord who loves and cares for you. Trust Him in the good times as well as the bad. DON'T GIVE UP. You never know what your testimony will do for someone else. How you react to your situation can change the course of history or what the eternal consequences will be. God has a plan and He will guide you through the rough patches for you to reach it. Never give up but run the race and reach out for the goal set before you.

Krista Jones

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