Thursday, February 28, 2008

A Self-Image in the Image of God

"So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them." Genesis 1:27

God created man - male and female - in HIs own image. What an awesome reality that is. There I am in the first chapter of the Bible - a woman - distinguished from animals, distinguished from my male counterpart, and literally created in the image of God. Certainly womanhood was no afterthought with God, and it was through the creation of both male and female that God has offered his fullest self-revelation.

If somehow in our imagination we are able to recreate all the qualities of perfect man and perfect woman in one being, we have, perhaps, a faint hint of who God really is. And, as we reflect on who God is, we see a picture of the image we carry in ourselves individually.

Unfortunately, that image of god often bears virtually no resemblance to our own self-image. The reason for that, according to many Christian counselors, is because many of us suffer from a low self-image. but how can our elf-image be low when we contemplate the image of god in which we were created? Personally, I find that my self-esteem is lowest when I am least reflecting the image of God. Indeed, my self-esteem has very little to do with the ego-boosting gratification that comes with awards, promotions, bonuses, and new clothes. These are the temporary "uppers" of the "me-generation," but they are not what builds a healthy self-image.

I feel best about myself, not when I read a flattering review of one of my books or when I am wearing a new outfit, but when I have selflessly reached out to someone in need and given with no thought of reward - or of self. It is only when my self is submerged that God's image begins to shine forth. Then I have a healthy self-image that truly reflects God's image.

By Ruth A Tucker, taken from "Women's Devotional Bible 1"

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