Friday, February 15, 2008

What is a Saint?

. . . called to be saints: . . . (Romans 1:7; 1 Cor. 1:2)

Why were the Saints, Saints?

It is quite simple.

Because they were "Cheerful" when it was difficult to be Cheerful.

Because they were "Patient" when it was difficult to be Patient.

Because they pushed on when they wanted to stand still.

Because they kept silent when they wanted to talk.

Because they were agreeable when they wanted to be disagreeable.

That was all! - Selected.

What is a Saint?

A Jewel in disguise

A Prince in peasant's garbs.

An immortal Life in dying flesh.

An Ambassador of the King Eternal, detained on foreign soil.

A Monarch at the foot of the throne, waiting for his crown.

A Royal Slave in a prison of clay, preparing for a mansion.

A Traveler on a rocky road, bound for the streets of gold.

A Watchman on the midnight hills, to greet the everlasting Day.

A Diamond in the rough, being polished to shine as the stars.

A Nugget of gold in the crucible, to be refined from its dross.

A Pearl in the oyster, to be delivered from the body of flesh.

A Lamp in a dark, dark night, soon to blaze forth with everlasting light.

A Stranger in the midst of enemies, hurrying on to live in everlasting fellowship.

A Flower in a garden, soon to unfold its petals where the Rose of Sharon blooms.

- Unknown

Compiled by Mrs. Charles E. Cowman, taken from "Streams in the Desert Volume Two"

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